
četrtek, 17. maj 2012

Goals? What goals!?

I think that for a while now I've been at a standstill. I just came to realize it this evening, while I was browsing through some blogs...People travel, people help, volunteer, people create, organize... The only thing I'm doing lately is eating, sitting on my butt, sleeping and sitting on my butt some more. Now the background of all this is surely that period of each year that we dread the most, called the exam period. You know, the Goodbye life, hello exams! one. So I know I can't really start changing anything right this moment with exception of my marker, study chapter or a notebook. But those blogs got me thinking... I used to have goals, I used to have ideas, thoughts, wishes, visions; I used to get excited over travel plans, good books and simple paintings. And got inspired by all, even if I didn't go travelling or even if I didn't read. I had photos in my head, albums and albums of photos. Now I sound like an old grandma, with the I used to...back in the day. I wasn't made to be a housewife, to wait for the husband to get home, to think of cooking and cleaning every single day. Are you kidding me?! (now, I am not married, I hardly ever cook, hehe. This is a mere monologue with myself!) 

Yes, it's true, studying takes up A LOT of time, especially now when I'm in my 4th year. And now, when we're in the middle of May and June will be deadly. But! Just like good old Mr. Keating said in the Dead Poets Society:
"Let the powerful play go on and you may contribute a verse."
So with this day on I am fully in this powerful play called life. But first thing's first- and it should start with a list. Not bucket list exactly and no TO.DO.LIST either. I should make a personal and only my own list of things that have been gone from my mind for too long. And preferably should write it down somewhere. Preferably.