
sreda, 19. junij 2013

Sound of creativity, Smell of summer

- Week 2 -

I have to say that today is that very first day when I really feel the summer. The smell of pine trees is just intoxicating, colourful flowers everywhere, smell of sun lotion, fresh fruit I've been waiting to get a hold on for the whole long cold winter. It is beauty in itself. Also, I would not be so poetic, if we didn't have AC installed today. This apartment was just TOO hot- on average 30 degrees during the day. But now it's nice, and just warm enough. We can breathe, our beasts can sleep normally and all is well. Also there is one other pretty big thing for me: the kitchen window finally has a view! It may sound strange, but ever since we moved here, the shutters have always been closed because otherwise, by opening the window too often, it might fall down. Literally. Because it is old and in a very poor condition. But now the shutters are gone and there is sooo much light in the kitchen I can't believe! I've already started making plans of putting some pots to grow there- mint, basil, rosemary even.

Apart from all this, I have been sort of "creative". I did make another drawing, but more importantly, I finally got me Guild Wars 2!!! I'm not much for computer games, but I became GW addict quite some years ago, thankfully to a friend of mine. The game is out now for about a year or so, but I haven't had a capable computer before and now I do. I created a Norn necromancer and at the moment she's lvl 14. She's super cool, awesome and great-looking. So see? I have been creative. Playing that game is inspiring. Maybe next time I will show you, how she looks like.
And here is that quick sketch/drawing I made before I got the game:

She's sort of a portrait of my character from GW1. I liked her a lot until I entered the awesome world of GW2.
And I leave you with that. Plus, a view form my kitchen window.

nedelja, 9. junij 2013

Little miss Red

- Week 1 -

As promised, I started a new "art-project". I was working on this small piece for a few days now and I still haven't completely finished it, since my white acrylic tube has gone missing. 
Well then, as soon as....
I have first drawn this little girl quite a while back, and she belongs with a few others. I gave them all names and since I've missed them so much and her especially, I decided to put them on canvas and bring them "to life" again, so to speak.  
And that is about it. With a little effort, I plan to develop all four of them further. But for now, I am satisfied just with her. Goodnight. 

petek, 7. junij 2013

Dog Tired in the Fast Lane. But with inspiration!

I have not slept normally for months now. I have not found any pretty pictures to publish here nor have I written anything dramatical or heart-moving. I have, however, been studying a lot, too much a lot, so much in fact that I forgot somewhere in April, how real life looks like. And I have been working a lot as well, so you can see where something went badly wrong. So now I'm on the third pre-final countdown to ending Uni and living my life the way I had imagined it I would before I had realised it had all been just a very good imaginative scenario. 
So, what I am in fact doing, is counting down to the 19th of this month, for this is when I have my final exam for this period. So I was thinking of doing something like...and then like...and you know so that it could all come down to...yes. My incoherent thoughts lead to even more incoherent words and it all has absolutely no meaning. I'm just dog tired in the fast lane and there are no exit signs in sight. Which is making me drowsy, tired, sleepy, coffee-addict and the bad thing is that I don't even feel like creating any more and not even drinking- or hanging out as much as before. Yes, Uni life is though and I just wish it was all over already.
But I did lie about the first part- I had some time to Pinterest, so just for a kick in the ****, or wherever else...

And since my thoughts are too incoherent, I decided to take up this "project" I used to be involved in with a friend of mine. We both wanted to develop and improve certain areas of art; he took up writing and occasional song-making, I took up drawing and painting. It lasted for about a year and this is how it worked: every Sunday night at exactly midnight we set the deadline. Which meant that we had one week to complete the task. It was successful on most weeks; if either one of us would fail to sent the other a piece of art, we'd have to do something we really did not want. It was the only way to get started and after we were done, I really started to miss it. Because now I draw only on rare occasions and I really haven't improved a lot. Plus, it is one of the best relaxations to work well with studying. That is why I was thinking that starting it all over again would not be such a bad idea. So, I'm thinking of starting this week and each week from now on. At least till the end of summer. If everything goes according to my picky nose and a high level of perfection, I might even start posting it here. And the video I added is of the one Michael Shapcott, a huge inspiration of mine. So...

Let the hunting season begin!