
torek, 26. junij 2012

A small sanctuary

Yes, a sanctuary. That's how it felt here for the last few hours. Dark storm clouds hanging on the horizon for the afternoon finally swam closer in the early evening. I was able to open the windows and let in some fresh air. And then the revelation-  rain drops came soft against  balconies, trees, pavement, and kids who were playing outside ran screaming inside, laughing. Slowly but very soon the whole neighbourhood fell quiet. I heard nothing but the rain, occasional thunder and a loud TV from a neighbour below. 
I made myself a cup of tea, rolled a cigarette and just let the fresh air fill my lungs and tickle my skin. It's been a long while since the last rain, or so it seemed to me. It was as if the world outside has disappeared for the night and there was just us and the small apartment and the film we were watching. Soft smell filled the night air and brought back memories of summers past. Nice memories, but no nostalgia. I was all just very simple and nice. I remembered spending summers at my grandparents house, staring at rain clouds,  smelling the nature after thunders. It all smelled green. And of roses that my grandmother grew. And I used to sit through the storms wrapped up in a blanket, with a book in my lap, tea and cookies on the table and feet on the window shelf. And while it was pouring rain and the lightnings were tearing up the sky, I was floating away in old stories, romance novels and on adventures in exotic places, like India, China, Nepal... I saw the novels transforming into films, words becoming whispers in the air, paragraphs photographs, and colours, there were colours and different atmospheres.
And now, again wrapped up in a blanket, I am about to go to sleep, the world outside is silent, the rain has stopped, and the snoring from the other room will be my lullaby for tonight. 

I like stormy evenings. They trigger something in my brain and I start daydreaming. And it feels good to daydream. Especially when it's tightly linked with reality. But enough overwhelming feeling for now.
Good night!

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