
nedelja, 29. april 2012

Summer's first kiss

Two things have gone wrong considering this post:
a) originally it was meant to be a "morning post" and now it's already lunchtime
b) the title of the post should be Spring's first kiss, as is the title of this drawing I did. But since it took me too long to add some finishing touches to it, the summer has already come. And there we go. Daily post in the nice summer day. It did come a bit fast, but hey, no winter socks, jackes, hoodies and millions of layers and layers and layers. 

Today it feels like going out, sitting in the park somewhere with a friend or two and just enjoying the day. But since I've got exams coming up, I've already done the "drinking in the park" thing two days ago. With a frind of mine we were enjoying good wine next to the sea shore, soaking in the sun, celebrating just about eveything that came to mind- make-up, pretty boys, summer dresses and the victory in the W.W.II, since it was a national Day of fighting against the occupying forces. 

 And to soak in even more feeling, it's time for some nostalgia and for a little piece 
of this story i wrote a while back...somehow in a place and time like this. When all 
was in bloom...
 »Pridi z mano,« mi je rekel malo pred tem, ko sem ponovno sanjala z odprtimi očmi, in strmela v večerno nebo ob mraku, ki se je prvič, odkar sem prispela, odelo v barve sončnega zahoda. Vsedel se je nasproti mene, mi podal cigaret in rekel : »V Pariz Juga.« Hotela sem mu dopovedati, naj ne pretirava, da sva že tam, in da se meni nikamor ne hodi. A se ni pustil prepričati. »Poglej,« je vstal in z roko zaobjel vse mesto, ki je ležalo skrivnostno in močno v večernih urah, pod paleto mogočnih barv v rokah mojstra umetnosti. »Vse to je lahko tvoje,« je naredil premor in se naslonil na ograjo. »Vse to je lahko najino,« se je sklonil bliže k meni, me pogladil po laseh in zašepetal na uho. »Tam zunaj te čaka prava Nola... Le zajadrati je treba, le prijeti moraš mojo roko, in odjadrala bova čez vrhove hiš...«. Strmel je vame s tistimi svojimi očmi, ki bi lahko bile oči otroka in starca obenem. Zazrle so se mi v dno prsnega koša in osvetlile že zdavnaj pozabljene ostanke, ruševine in razbitine, kot podmornica. In tako sem se po dolgem času ponovno vrnila v Nolo. Tako, kot sem jo spoznala ze prvič.«

 The sun is hot on my neck as I observe
     The spikes of the crocus.
     The smell of the earth is good.
     It is apparent that there is no death.
(Spring, Edna St. Vincent Millay)

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