
četrtek, 12. julij 2012

Philosophy in the night-time

"We're gonna run out of cigarettes," he said. I just sat there and laughed because we bought a couple of new packs earlier but the alcohol got the best of him and erased his short term memory. Then he leaned closer and kissed me. I kept laughing.
It was a special night. One of those you don't plan but nevertheless turn out better than you expected. It was all peaceful, in the middle of the night. All the neighbours went to bed hours ago and we were the only two morons still awake at that time of the night in that little corner of the planet. Sometimes life is simply good. It brings along all you would like it to, it leaves out all the negative stuff you don't even think of remembering, such as daily worries about money, job, house, cleaning, car and everything else you can think about.
Because at the end of the day the only thing that matters is that one person you're with, that one person who holds you touching your hair, making you laugh, that one person who makes you believe that tomorrow is far far away and the only thing that matters is right here and right now and in this very moment everything is okay and very simple and very cozy. I like it just the way it is. Because sometimes you need some booze all by yourself and just for yourself so that you can dive into your own world and only let in one person or maybe two, but sometimes two can already be a crowd. It's interesting how the world turns, how your life turns and how your wishes change from one hour to the next. As I've said. It's not bad. It's actually way better than I've ever dared to expect and now I'm trying to make most of it with every single  day that comes along.
This has actually no point. It is merely some philosophy in the night-time. And let me stick to that for now. 
I wish you all a very fond goodnight. I'm in the mood for some atmospheric music. And as I flow into the unknown, here is a paragraph of one of my short stories completed this afternoon:

"Priplaval je do mene in mi pomignil:pridi, greva malo bolj stran od obale. Nekaj ti bom pokazal.
Skupaj sva odplavala ven iz zaliva. Pod nama je bila črnina bolj temna od črne barve same, nad nama se je bočilo črno nebo, ki je blestelo bledo rumeno nad lučmi mesta. Ostalo je bilo zavito v neznano, plankton je odseval miljarde zvezd na nebu. Počutila sem se, kot da bi plavala po nebu, da bi plula nad vsem in hkrati v vsem kar obstaja in kar me obdaja. In dišalo je, tako lepo je dišalo po borovcih, po slanem, po svobodi in po nečem lepem, a neoprijemljivem.
Še vedno dišiš po tistih breskvah,je mimogrede omenil. In nastopil je tisti pravi trenutek, ki sem ga čakala že od prejšnjega dne. Tiho sem se mu približala, mu priplavala za hrbet, kajti hotela sem ga zaviti med roke in noge in ga vsaj nekaj časa ne spustiti. A kot sem omenila, noč je bila dojemljiva za vse. Zato me je slišal in se obrnil v pravem trenutku, me prijel za ramena, povlekel k sebi in potisnil globoko pod vodo. Če bi prej prišla do zraka, bi ga potegnila s seboj. Tako pa sem le priplavala na površje in se napol dušila zaradi vode, ki sem jo pogoltnila in zaradi smeha, ki me je zvijal. Začela sem ga škropiti, in niti za to mi ni ostal dolžan. Med kratko pavzo škropljenja pa se mi je za trenutek zazdelo, da mi je skorajda neopazno pomežiknil in da je razumel moj namen."

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