
sreda, 15. avgust 2012

August dearest!

Last two weeks were absolutely crazy. I found a job, two of them actually and I've been balancing between the two almost every day, coming home dog tired, going to bed right away and really cutting out my social life for the most part. But! There was some civilization involved and so I got to meet some nice, sweet, unusual, happy but serious people. I also went jumping from a boat in the marina in the moonlight, which was like jumping into black abyss with silver linings and dots. It was beautiful. I also re-discovered the beauty of an impulsive act, imagination and the living-in-the-moment-make-it-last philosophy. At the same time however, my inner self apparently needed to remind my conscious self that I can still manage to be cranky, annoyed and short of words if so happens. So now I'm also working on pulling myself out of this negativity, because I don't like it how it projects on my other half. Hopefully yesterday night was a breakpoint for this area. 
So today I worked a little, now I'm home and about to cook. Fish chinese-style sounds good. I hope it'll be as tasty as planned. And in the evening some red wine, hopefully more moonlight, relaxed night and a take-it-easy concert:

August dearest, make it good, make it better. You smell beautifully and I love you a lot. With the rain last week the worst heat is gone and I can feel the arrival of autumn in the air. It's coming slowly, getting closer everyday. It feels something like it already, but I just inhale it all in and smile every time I walk out the door. Pine trees are more intoxicating than ever. 
Yes, more than ever.

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